حوزههای تخصصی:
e major function of an ideology is to provide the people of a society with a homogeneous
identity and accordingly contribute to the legitimacy of a government. Aiming to solve its
legitimacy crisis, the Pahlavi Government tried to develop a speci-c ideology, and to present
a new identity to Iran’s society based on that ideology during 1960’s and 1970’s. is need
arose because of the economic and social modernization policy which Pahlavi’s Government
adopted during this period in order to keep pace with global developments.
e main question of the present research is: which key elements and foundations formed
this ideology adopted by Mohammad Reza Shah's Government, and to what extent did the
fundamental functions of this ideological system help in recreating the legitimacy of the Pahlavi
Government? is research studies this subject through historical and descriptive-analytic
methods of investigation. is study concludes that according to the records, the Pahlavi Government
used some elements such as the White Revolution, Imperial Nationalism, secularism,
pseudo-nativism, pseudo-religiousness and pseudo-pro-democracy to create this ideology
during 1960's and 70’s. e ideology was not a practical success in supporting the legitimacy of
the Pahlavi Government and solving its legitimacy crisis, since it did not meet the real requirements
of society and was not in compliance with global developments. It also lacked internal
consistency and appropriateness in its miscellaneous and incompatible elements. e Pahlavi
Government was emphasizing nationalism a er the nationalism era had ended
تبیین وضعیت سیاست خارجی ایران و نقش وزیران امور خارجه(39-1336ش/60-1957م)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
e years 1957 to 1960 were one of the most critical periods of the contemporary history of
Iran from the viewpoint of its foreign relations. is is largely due to the fact that this period
coincided with the attempts of other countries to increase their dominance over Iran. During
this period, Iran was struggling with countries like the Soviet Union, Iraq, Egypt and
the United States in its foreign relationships. Iran’s relations with the Soviet Union, Iraq and
Egypt were similar to each other, involving uctuations, con icts, strains and even complete
breaks. During these years, a negative aspect of Iran’s foreign policy was the wide gap created
in relations between Iran and Arab countries including Egypt. Mohammad Reza Shah’s foreign
policy in the region, and his relations with Israel, had resulted in this wide gap and had caused
some Arab countries to openly express their dissatisfaction. ese relations were most strained
during the presidency of Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt. At the same time, Iran had very close
relations with the U.S. which led to Iran’s increased dependency on the U.S.
e aim of the present research is to study the role of Iran’s foreign ministers in Iran’s relations
with the other countries which aimed to dominate Iran or maintain ties with it during 1957-
1960, and the condition of Iran’s foreign policy in this period. e -ndings of this research
show that the foreign ministers did not have an e ective role in Iran’s foreign policy because
the main policymaker was Mohammad Reza Shah himself, and the main function of his foreign
policies was to protect his government, not the national interest
امتیاز بهره برداری از معادن خاک سرخ هرموز"" در روابط ایران و انگلستان در دوره مظفری(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
ar al-Din Shah Qajar in Iran, Moein-o Tojar Bushehri and Arsham and Takran Melkoum had a con ict over the privilege of exploitation of ochre mines in Hormuz. When Britain supported Arsham and Takran Melkoum, two Armenian brothers from the south of Iran, this issue became problematic in the ties between Iran and Britain. Ochre is one of the basic and important ingredients used in the paint industry and is widely used in producing di erent types of paints. In that era around seven thousands tons of ochre was annually exported from Iran to Great Britain, and also a little to India. e purpose of this research is to shed light on this subject, based on unpublished records and other written documents remaining from the Qajar era, and to explore the main reasons behind it. e ndings of this study indicate that the principal factor was the poor administrative structure of Iran, which was a ected by elements such as widespread bribery, the weakness of the central government in protecting its non-Muslim citizens, and leasing a part of the country to others: an ill-judged policy which practically transferred the authority of the central government to others
تحلیل وضعیت حقوق و مقرری نمایندگان و کارکنان نخستین مجلس شورای ملی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Iran’s First National Consultative Assembly (Parliament) was established when Iran was in a weak
economic condition. erefore, the members of this parliament focused on overcoming the -nancial
problems and economic obstacles, and they established their -rst specialized working group
titled ""Malieh (Finance) Commission”. However, the parliament members faced many problems
in covering their personal living expenses due to leaving their personal jobs and having to reside
in Tehran. Consequently, the National Consultative Assembly had to -nd a solution to a new challenge:
-nancial support of its members.
e main question of this research is: being short of -nancial resources and having no -nancial
and administrative experience in the parliamentary system, what -nancial and administrative
measurements and framework did the parliament use to pay the salaries of its sta and members?
In applying the method of historical research, all the necessary pieces of information were gathered
from library resources, focusing on the records existing in the Document Center of Iran’s
Parliament. is information was processed in a rational historical sequence and then analyzed.
e -ndings of this research show that the First National Consultative Assembly of Iran was only
able to pay a small amount of its sta and members’ salary by applying the -nancial and administrative
experiences of the governmental system of Iran. A signi-cant proportion was postponed
to the next rounds of the Parliament when it was paid to them or their heirs. e period of the
-rst National Consultative Assembly was so short that the members only focused on solving the
country’s economic problems, and its -nancial resources were so inadequate that they could only
pay limited attention to the internal a airs of the Parliament. Consequently the First Parliament
did not have an orderly approach to -nancial management
ارزیابی و رتبه بندی نرم افزارهای موجود در مراکز آرشیوی ایران(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
information. Library so ware should be designed and presented in such a way that along with
comfortable application, it contains various capabilities suitable for di erent types of search, presenting
the results of information retrieval, displaying the information and managing the search
history, functional for di erent types of information resources. e archival so ware programs
applied in archival centers need the same qualities. A comprehensive archival program, which is
based on standards of archival construction, can broadly satisfy the needs of both archivists and
researchers for better access to the archival information. e main purpose of this research is to
assess the archival centers of Iran in terms of their archival so ware.
e homogeneity of library so ware programs paves the way for easier management of
checklist containing archival requirements was prepared through studying di erent texts and interviewing
archiving professionals. On the basis of the information obtained, it was ascertained
which types of archival requirements were covered at any archival center. e next step was identifying
and assessing the so ware programs available in the archival centers against a checklist.
rough this checklist the so ware programs available in any archival center were calibrated. is
study on the present so ware programs enabled the researchers to analyze the presence or absence
of the various capabilities in the so ware.
e present research employs the descriptive/survey method. As the -rst step, a
programs have the least compliance with the factors mentioned in the checklist. Most of the studied
archival so ware programs had some weak points in applying archival standards and presenting
an e cient guideline. e -ndings also indicate that none of the studied archival so ware
programs apply adequate archival standards; however, “Rasa” and “Simorq” programs have a basic
and elementary capability.
is research shows that the “Naghshe Jahan” and “Shenasnameye Farhangie Isargaran
فهرست نویسی اسناد آرشیوی سازمان اسناد و کتابخانه ملی ایران براساس استاندارد بین المللی تنظیم و توصیف آرشیوی (ایساد)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
records catalogues at the National Archives of Iran and the level of their conformity with the
International Standard Archival Description (ISAD).
e present research is aimed at identifying descriptive elements of the archival
standards, and interviews are employed for gathering research data. e results are presented
in tables and -gures through descriptive statistical methods (frequency and percentage).
e research community included researchers and experts in arrangement and description
of records, manuals, and cataloging worksheets of the archival records existing in National
Library and Archives of Iran.
is research was based on analytical survey. A checklist, the rules of archival
with ISAD. e research -ndings also show that information elements including “Author
Name” (16.62%) and “Descriptors” (91.26%) are consistent with documentation tools.
8.8% of these information elements are not documented at all. In the eyes of the experts of
arrangement and description of documents, cataloging of archival documents based on ISAD
has improved the methods of organizing documents.
Conclusion: Applying this standardized method of archival description has led to better retrieval
of the related documents.
is research displays the conformity of descriptive elements in the studied worksheets
بررسی وضعیت نمایه سازی اسناد آرشیوی مکتوب در مراکز آرشیوی شهر تهران از دیدگاه نمایه سازان با تاکید بر شیوه و کیفیت نمایه سازی اسناد آرشیوی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
documents in Tehran’s archival centers.
e present research aimed to evaluate the status of indexing the written archival
was used as the tool for gathering information. e study community contained 100 indexers
working in Tehran’s archival centers who answered the questionnaire.
e research applied the method of descriptive survey and a questionnaire
and natural languages for indexing and 65 percent of the indexers in archival centers have
their own indexing policy. It also shows that 80 percent of the indexers use indexing tools for
documentation of the archival records. 46.25 percent of these indexers have evaluated the compatibility
of indexing aids with the subject content of records and their terminology as average.
38.75 percent of them have evaluated that the indexing tools meet the users’ needs to a high degree.
e -ndings also show that the Persian Cultural esaurus (ASFA) is the most frequently
used (68.8%). Among indexing systems, electronic work sheets are used most frequently and
Rasa so ware is the most popular tool for indexing the records (82.46%).
e -ndings of this research show that 42 percent of the indexers apply both controlled
and concepts in indexing tools, and also poor communication between the indexers of
archival centers.
e existing inadequacies are mostly related to lack of updating the terminologies