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از پیامدهای افزایش جمعیت و گسترش مهاجرت به شهرها، توسعه فیزیکی و رشد ناموزون آنهاست؛ که در پی آن شرایط اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و محیطی شهرها نیز دستخوش دگرگونی خواهد شد. در این میان نحوه مدیریت شهرها در بهبود این سکونت گاه ها، سازماندهی عوامل و منابع جهت پاسخگویی به نیازهای ساکنان و پایداری توسعه شهری مطرح می باشد. بنابراین حل مسائل شهری تنها با اصلاح رویکردهای سنتی مدیریتی و استفاده از رهیافت های نوین امکان پذیر بوده و می توان گفت نگرش ها در برنامه ریزی و مدیریت شهری تغییر یافته و انعطاف پذیری درونی در آن موجب تغییر پارادایم از نگاه حکومتی به حکمروایی شده است. بر این اساس با گسترش روند شهرنشینی در سطح جهانی و گزارشات سازمان ملل جهت حل مسائل مدیریتی شهرها، اندیشمندان این حوزه سعی بر ارائه نظریات و راهبردهایی داشته اند؛ که جهت هدایت شهرها در مسیر پایداری موجب تحقق رویکردهای جدید مدیریت شهری شده است. در همین راستا پژوهش حاضر با هدف تحلیل مهمترین مولفه های رویکردهای مدیریتی موثر در توسعه شهر کنگان انجام شده است. رویکرد حاکم بر پژوهش از نظر هدف توسعه ای و روش آن توصیفی- تحلیلی است. اطلاعات لازم با به کارگیری منابع اسنادی-کتابخانه ای و مطالعات میدانی گردآوری شد. جوامع آماری پژوهش شامل متولیان(48 نفر)، کارشناسان(90 نفر) و شهروندان شهر کنگان(382 نفر) می باشند. تعیین حجم نمونه برای جوامع متولیان و کارشناسان روش گلوله برفی و برای جامعه شهروندان روش کوکران می باشد. تحلیل پژوهش با استفاده از تحلیل عاملی و SWOT صورت گرفته است؛ که نتایج تحلیل عاملی نشان می دهد از نظر متولیان عوامل (کالبدی/ اقتصادی)، (مدیریتی-سیاسی/اجتماعی)، (اقتصادی/اجتماعی) و (زیست محیطی/کالبدی) به ترتیب مهمترین مولفه های مدیریتی در توسعه شهر کنگان می باشد. همچنین یافته های سوات نشان دهنده نقاط قوت و ضعف، فرصت و تهدیدهای توسعه شهری در کنگان است و نتایج QSPM نشان می دهد که استراتژی فرصت ها با 40.780 بیشترین میانگین را کسب نموده است.

Analysis of the most important indicators of effective management approaches in urban development (case study: Kangan Port)

Extended IntroductionThe city is a dynamic and complex phenomenon that functions as a system. According to the United Nations report, for the first time in history, more than half of the world's population lives in cities, which will reach 70% in 2050. Urban management is responsible for monitoring, planning and managing the sustainable development of cities. Since top-down urban management in practice has led to many urban problems, and the effectiveness of decision-making patterns has caused the creation of various management approaches; whose purpose is to understand human behavior and change consumption patterns towards more sustainable paths. In our country, urban management has been affected by macro structures and the environment, which has resulted in lagging behind (urbanization) and overtaking (growth) from (urban development). Therefore, the lack of participatory democracy, planning and management, and the lack of coordination of urban plans with construction plans, inattention to the specific conditions and prevailing performance of each city are among the challenges of the current urban planning and management system in Iran. In such a situation, along with the development of metropolises, the cities that host the oil and gas industry, such as the city of Bandar Kangan, also face challenges such as the rapid development of the city, the increase in the cost of infrastructure, the loss of resources, the disproportion of the distribution of uses, the excessive increase in the price of land and housing, and disorder. environmental problems and hundreds of other challenges and has caused weakness in the proper management of the city from (physical, environmental, economic, social-cultural and management-political) aspects; Therefore, urban management can only be managed with a bottom-up planning that firstly enjoys the participation and support of citizens and secondly uses a combination of management approaches in the matter of managing cities and guiding them in the path of sustainability. work successfully. MethodologyThis research is developmental in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical and causal-survey method. Collecting information using documentary-library and field method (observation, interview and questionnaire). After extracting and comparing indicators in the approaches of political economy, empowerment, urban democracy, neighborhood-based management, social capital, traditional urban management, NGO, public choice, urban participation, pluralism, integrated urban management, sustainable urban development, good governance and Urban development strategy, important and common indicators in line with the management approaches of urban development were categorized in the form of 5 physical, environmental, economic, social/cultural and managerial/political dimensions. Each of these dimensions has sub-criteria that form the basis of the current research questionnaire. In order to investigate and explain the most important components of effective management approaches in urban development and Analysis the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to realize the desired urban development in Kangan city, factor analysis and SWOT models have been used. In this research, the trustees, experts and citizens of Kangan city are considered as statistical communities. The sampling method was random sampling, and the snowball method was used for statistical communities of trustees (48 people) and experts (90 people), and the sample size of the citizens of Kangan city (382 people) was determined using Cochran's method. Results and DiscussionAnalysis of the most effective factors in Kangan city management. In order to identify the underlying dimensions of the research, the factor analysis method was used, which the main management components in the development of Kangan city were prioritized from the point of view of the trustees compared to the research variables, and included factors (physical/economic), (management-political/social), (economic) / social) and (environmental / physical) that these factors explain 56% of the total variance. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of effective management approaches in the development of Kangan city by integrating the opinion of the target communities. The results of the SWOT analysis show that there is a gap with democratic citizenship, the effect of sanctions and currency shocks on the city's economy, and the lack of fair provision of services with a score of 0.18 are the most important weaknesses in the system that need to be improved in terms of planning. The impact of the share of oil and the growth of the sales rate and the increase in the level of education and social awareness with a score of 0.22, the role of the government in the economy and funding and investment with a score of 0.21 are the most important opportunities, as well as the effect of financial and monetary policies on the city's economy with a score of 0.24. Paying attention to the rules and management of urban development and not paying attention to demographic characteristics with a score of 0.23 are considered as threat factors against effective management approaches in the development of Kangan city. ConclusionIn this research, the most important indicators of effective management approaches in the development of Kangan city were examined and explained. In order to find the important factors from the point of view of Kangan city trustees, factor analysis was used, the results show: (physical /economic),(management-political/social),(economic/social)and (environmental /physical) factors respectively have the highest percentage. has allocated the variance. Also, using the SWOT model, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of urban development in Kangan Port were identified. The results indicate that the opportunity points have the highest score of 3.51 and the strengths have the lowest score of 2.38. The results of QSPM also show that providing public benefits and meeting basic needs to increase social justice, coordinating trustees and strengthening integrated management to organize the city in order to achieve urban sustainability, increasing trust and validation to improve adaptability and flexibility, planning the development of the tourism industry to reduce The reliance of Kangan's economy on oil and gas is one of the most effective strategies in the development of Kangan city; Among these strategies, priority is given to managerial/political and economic indicators.
