
نقد روان کاوانه یکی از روش های مهم و کارآمد برای درک و تحلیل لایه های پنهان متون ادبی و هنری است که برای رسیدن به مفاهیم عمیق تر و تحلیل ذهن ها کاربرد دارد. این نوع نقد با تکیه و تأکید بر اصول و قوانین روان کاوی، ساحت گسترده ای از امیال، آرزوها، کنش ها و ناکامی های جاری در زندگی بشری را نشان می دهد. در این پژوهش می خواهیم، داستان فرود سیاوش را بر مبنای این نظریه بسنجیم. در این راستا، کهن الگوهای آنیما، آنیموس، سایه، نقاب، فرایند فردانیت و همچنین برای رسیدن به نتیجه مطلوبتر، نمادها نیز از این دیدگاه تفسیر و تبیین شده اند. روش این پژوهش تحلیلی توصیفی و بر مبنای نقد کهنالگویی یونگ است. نتایج حاصل از پژوهش نشان می دهد که کهنالگوهای پیر فرزانه، مادر فرزانه، سایه، نقاب و آنیما در این داستانها کاربرد دارد و کهنالگوی سایه بسامد زیادی دارد؛ همچنین کهنالگوهای به کار رفته در داستان، بیانگر تلاش قهرمان در طی کردن مسیر فردانیت است. تلاشی که به هدف نمی رسد و قهرمان داستان در طی کردن این مسیر ناکام می ماند.

,Psychoanalytic analysis of the story of Siavashs Froud from the perspective of Jung's theory

  Introduction Psychoanalytic criticism is one of the important and efficient methods in understanding and analyzing the hidden layers of literary and artistic texts, which is used to reach deeper concepts and analyze minds. Based on the principles and laws of psychoanalysis, this type of criticism shows a wide field of current desires, wishes, actions and failures in human life. Characterizing in a symbolic way and presenting a symbolic model of a human being with all the moods, feelings and desires and customary and moral prohibitions that can surround him. Also, the expression of the human type, as a transcendent being, and on the other hand, the capacities in the characters and the symbolic structure of the text, make Jung's archetypal psychoanalytical critique suitable for this text.  The detailed and comprehensive processing of Froud's character and the complete description of the actions of characters such as Tos, Giv, Bijan, Takhar, Jarira and Bahram based on their behavior, speech and detailed description of events and situation pave the way for Jung's archetypal psychoanalytic critique to offer a new reading of the text.   Research Methodology In this research, Froud's story was evaluated based on Jung's psychoanalytical theory, and all types of archetypes were criticized based on the quality of occurrence and the process of individuality, and were evaluated with the analytical-descriptive method that is the basis of this theory.   Discuss In the section of archetypes, the archetype of the hero, according to Froud's characteristics and actions, he is the archetype of the hero who seeks the comprehensiveness of his archetype. At the beginning of his future, he is an inexperienced hero and has not yet faced the different aspects of his personality; But little by little, it approaches increasing self-awareness. Where it settles on top of the mountain and this stable represents the hero's growing self-awareness; Also, Jarireh, Froud's mother is the archetype of wise mother, with whose advice Froud gets out of the confusion in the confrontation with the Iranian army, who plays the role of his unconscious wise mother who tries to set goals for the hero and guide him to the main path of independence. Bahram, the archetype of wise oldman, is the patron of Froud during the story. Takhar is the archetype of the mask, everything is accompanied by Jarira as Froud's consultant But it also has bad intentions; He does not fully introduce Bahram and even encourages Froud to kill Rioniz with wrong guidance. Regarding the archetype of the shadow, we can mention Tos Rionis, Lego, Zersp, Bijan, that the main hero, Froud, after facing these shadows, is suspended and actually enters his unconscious.   Conclusion The results of the research show that the archetypes of wise old man, wise mother, shadow, mask and anima are used in these stories and the archetype of shadow has a high frequency; Also, the archetypes used in the story represent the hero's effort to travel the path of tomorrow. An attempt that does not reach the goal and the hero of story fails to follow this path.    
