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تمدن هم ساخته می شود و هم آن را می سازند، به گونه ای که هم به سوژه مندی مؤثر و هدفمند و هم به روند تدریجی و مینیاتوری تاریخی بر مبنای علم و نظام اخلاقی انسانی- الهی- سازمانی می پردازد. در میان عناصر مؤثر در تمدن سازی، نهادهای مولد دانش و اخلاق همچون دانشگاه، نقشی کم نظیر و بنیادین دارد. با توجه به نقش مؤثر اهرمی آموزش در دانشگاه تمدن ساز، هدف اصلی مقاله، فهم موانع شناختی مؤثر بر ساحت اخلاق آموزش در دانشگاه تمدن ساز به مثابه ی تلاقی انسان سازی و جامعه سازی است؛ چراکه بی اعتنایی به مسائل اخلاقی و تعهدات اجتماعی، به تضعیف دانشگاه تمدن ساز می انجامد. این مقاله از روش کیفی و با رویکرد تفسیری، از روش کتابخانه ای و مصاحبه و همچنین تحلیل استنباطی در جهت واکاوی موارد سلبی دانشگاه تمدن ساز در مسئلة مذکور استفاده کرده است. همچنین در چارچوب مفهومی اخلاق حرفه ای و جامعه پذیری در ساحت آموزش مؤثر بر تمدن سازی دانشگاه، با تأکید بر موارد سلبی نظام اخلاقی حوزة آموزش در پاسخ به سؤال اصلی چیستی موانع ادراکی اخلاق آموزش در شکل گیری دانشگاه اسلامی تمدن ساز در ایران معاصر، به تحلیل یافته هایی چون ضعف در تولید فرهنگ دانشگاهی و جامعه پذیری دانشگاهی مبتنی بر اخلاق حرفه ای، کسری در مسئولیت پذیری اخلاقی متولیان آموزش دانشگاهی، کم توجهی به عناصر مؤثر بر توانمندی های اخلاقی در ساحت آموزش تمدن ساز و ضعف در ذهنیت مهارت آفرینی در حوزة آموزش در دانشگاه اسلامی تمدن ساز می پردازد.

Perceptual barriers to the formation of a civilizing university in the context of the ethical system of contemporary Iranian education

Purpose: Among the systematic components of Islamic University leading to Islamic civilization, we emphasize on education. Because, on the one hand, the other important aspects of the Islamic university system and civilization are influenced by education. (Of course, the choice of education in an Islamic university does not negate the importance of cultural/educational, research, technological, and managerial aspects.) On the other hand, the need for precision and specificity in the issue encourages us to choose more specifically and limit the issue. Methodology: The upcoming research is based on an interpretative qualitative method. In the sense that the meaning and internal relationships of the data inferred from the data should be discovered and interpreted. Also, the tool of inferential analysis will be used to analyze the negative cases of Tamdansaz University in the mentioned issue. The collection method is library and in-depth interview (in addition )will be. Findings: The main perceptual obstacles to the formation of a civilizing university in the field of the ethical system of education 1- Weakness in the mentality of skill building and skill building in the field of education 2- Extreme weakness in the production of university culture 3 -Mental communication disorder between teacher and student 4- Weakness in academic socialization based on professional ethics 5 -Deficit in the moral responsibility of the trustees of university education 6- Lack of attention to the elements affecting moral abilities in the field of education: 6-1 -Mere quantification in response to society's needs; 6-2- Commodification of science and education and priority of income over quality; 6-3- University politicization; 6-4- Caricature of educational creations; 6-5- scientific tourism instead of scientific diplomacy; 6-6- Lack of attention to the development programs of the education sector; 6-7- Promoting the culture of scientific comfort food; 6-8- Lack of attention to scientific skills; 6-9- A little look at the entrance to world knowledge; 6-10- Imbalance between theoretical-human knowledge and engineering-experimental knowledge; 6-11- extreme individualism; 6-12- speech therapy training; 6-13- mental gap between education and society issues; 6-14- Removing the explanatory approach; 6-15 -delivery orientation and neglecting the systemic attitude in the educational system. Conclusion: Ethical university leading to Islamic civilization, at the level of academic members, in the system of education, research and administration of the university, it is necessary to pay attention to professional ethics towards students, ethics and virtual space, and finally the ethics and social responsibility of the university towards the outside of the university. A new understanding of the environmental strategy of the university and society in the form of components such as paying attention to the new spaces of technology, using the traditional capacity of the university while looking at the present and the future today, logical insistence on rethinking identity based on reality-oriented responsibility-oriented future-oriented and also the reconstruction of the life of the mind The agency and intersubjectivity of the moral field of education is very important in Tadamansaz University in order to solve the problem of the hegemony of pretense over reality. Restoring public trust in the field of university education and paying attention to the important elements of justice, accountability and responsibility of education in the university are other essential indicators.
