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اللغه العربیه تلعب دورا أساسیا فی فهم القرآن الکریم وما أثیرت حوله من الشبهات؛ إذ یُعالَج النص القرآنی بالدراسات الصرفیه، والنحویه، والبلاغیه وبالنظر فی الدلالات اللغویه لألفاظه. قد ألف بعض الناقدین الإیرانیین کتبا باللغه الفارسیه فی نقد القرآن الکریم، وتطرقوا من خلالها إلى قضایا مختلفه، وأثاروا شبهات فقهیه، وکلامیه ولغویه. مع کثره الردود العلمیه على هذه الکتب، لیس ثمه بحث یهتم بالمستوى اللغوی لدى هؤلاء الناقدین وکتبهم بحثاً لغویاً بحتاً. هذا البحث یهدف من خلال المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی إلی دراسه بعض الشبهات المثاره فی هذه الکتب، دراسه لغویه بحته مستمداً العلوم العربیه کالصرف، والنحو، والبلاغه وعلم الدلاله، فیحدّد خطوره المعرفه اللغویه لدی دارس القرآن ومدى إلمام هؤلاء الناقدین بالعلوم اللغویه فی العملیه النقدیه. فتم تطبیق هذه العلوم على شبهاتهم. وتوصلت الدراسه إلى أنهم أخطأوا فی کثیر من شبهاتهم نتیجه ضعف مستواهم فی العلوم اللغویه العربیه، فلم یستخرجوا المعنى الصحیح للمفردات وفق القیاس الصرفی والمقیاس الدلالی والمعجمی، ولم یفهموا تراکیب الکلمات النحویه فی الجمل القرآنیه، وما لها من المعانی والأحکام، کما لم یفهموا المعانی الثانویه ودلالات العبارات القرآنیه بسبب عدم إلمامهم بالأسالیب البلاغیه فی کلام العرب وفهم قواعدها.

A Critical Examination of the Doubts Entered into the Holy Quran based on the Rules of the Arabic Language (A Case Study of Books Written in Persian)

The Arabic language plays an essential role in understanding the Holy Quran and the doubts raised about it, because the text of the Qur'an, like any other Arabic text, is examined through lexical approaches. The Holy Quran is one of the Arabic texts that Muslims and non-Muslims have paid particular attention to it from the very beginning of its revelation until today. This attention is observed more deeply and fundamentally in intellectual and theological disputes. They have tried to interpret and understand it with the various sciences and tools they bear. Among the most important of these sciences are the sciences of the Arabic language (vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and rhetoric) and Islamic Shari'a sciences, which are integrally tied to the sciences of the Arabic language. In order to make a correct inference from the Quranic verses, one must understand them correctly and then extract various rulings and concepts from the verses. If a researcher has a wrong understanding of a verse, he will build a wrong interpretation. Therefore, he should translate and interpret the meanings and concepts of Quranic words and phrases according to Arabic language sciences, the context and connotations of words, and the context of Quranic verses. Therefore, gaining a correct understanding of the words and phrases of the Qur'an, and having sufficient mastery of the sciences of the Qur'an’s language are among the main pillars for deriving concepts from them. Some Iranian critics have written books on the Holy Quran and have dealt with various topics and raised some jurisprudential, theological, and linguistic doubts. Among them, we can mention Masoud Ansari, the author of the book Allah Akbar (1996), Lotfullah Roozbahani, the author of the book Qur'an, the Words of Muhammad (n.d), Ali Dashti, the author of the book Twenty-Three Years (2002), and Soha, the author of the book Criticism of the Qur'an (2014). Despite the scientific criticisms that exist in relation to these books, there is no research dealing with the level of linguistic knowledge of these critics and their books and their evaluation from the mere linguistic aspects. If they used lexical sciences, this utilization was during general criticism and was not independent. To the best of researchers’ knowledge, no study hsd been conducted in relation to the book of Roozbahani (i.e. Qur'an, the Words of Muhammad) so far. The present study, relying on the descriptive-analytical method, intends to examine some of these doubts from the linguistic aspects and analyze them by using Arabic sciences such as sarf, syntax, rhetoric, and semasiology and investigate the negative effects caused by weak vocabulary knowledge. The results of the study show that the aforementioned authors made mistakes in understanding the Quranic verses and violated the divinity of the Holy Quran due to their incorrect understanding, which in most cases was caused by linguistic knowledge weakness. They did not derive the correct meaning of Quranic words based on the rules of pure science and in accordance with authentic Arabic dictionaries. They also translated many of God's names and attributes wrongly. Additionally, they did not understand the meanings and concepts of syntactic combinations of words in Quranic sentences. Inasmuch as they did not have a correct understanding of exceptions in Arabic syntax, they were mistaken in understanding the meaning of this syntax style and its types. In addition, due to not paying attention to the rhetorical styles, they made mistakes in understanding the meaning and concept of Quranic phrases. As they did not know the rhetorical style and the purpose of using it, they objected to the Qur'an. The negative effect of weakness in vocabulary knowledge is that this weakness leads to a weak output and a wrong understanding of the Holy Quran. Obviously, this phenomenon is observed in the doubts of these authors and they have not been successful in understanding the Qur'an. And as a result, they went wrong in their books and theories and had fundamental mistakes in this field.
