
اندیشمندان مسلمان با استعانت از قوای عقل و تکیه بر آیات و روایات، همواره در تلاش برای تعریف و تبیین ماهیت انسان کامل و افعال او در جایگاه خلیفه الله بوده اند. انسان کامل، خلیفه الله، متصف به صفاتی از نوع صفات استخلاف کننده مقام خلافت، خداوند متعال است. حضرت بدیع السماوات و الارض، از مهمترین مقامات تفویض شده به انسان کامل را مقام ابداع قرار داده، مقامی که در صنع صنایع بدیع، تجلی تام یافته است. با توجه به طرح منظرگاه های متعدد در تبیین مفهوم ابداع و تکوین صنایع و بدایع در آثار صناعی، این پژوهش به دنبال پاسخ به این پرسش است که چگونه می توان ابداع را در صنع انسان کامل بر بستر حکمت اسلامی تدوین و تبیین نمود؟ در این منظر با تکیه بر آیات، احادیث و با بهره بردن از تفاسیر و دیدگاه های حکیمان مسلمان بر بستر حکمت اسلامی، نخست مراتب خلق انسان و شئون خلقت انسان کامل تبیین شده، سپس با تکیه بر صورت بندی استخلاف مقام خلیفه اللهی به انسان کامل، مقام ابداع، نخست در فعل ذات باری تعالی مورد تحلیل و تبیین قرار گرفته و سپس این مقامِ تفویض شده به انسان کامل، در صنع و صناعت آثار صناعی تبیین می گردد. این پژوهش از نوع مطالعات بنیادین با استفاده از روش توصیفی-تحلیلی است که با استناد به منابع نوشتاری و تحلیل محتوای آیات، احادیث و آرائ حِکمی حُکمای اسلامی شکل گرفته است. در این پژوهش در پی تببین مقام ابداع در صنع انسان کامل، این نتیجه حاصل می شود که: انسان کامل با استعانت از این مقام و با شناخت نیازها و کاستی های زیسته انسان، به عنوان واسطه ای از جانب حضرت حق، دست به ابداع صنایع زده و رموز این صنایع را سینه به سینه به جان های مشتاق ذی صلاح، جهت تکوین سپرده است؛ تکوینی که همواره به همراه انسان جریان دارد.


Explaining the Position of Innovation in Making a Perfect Human Being from the Perspective of Islamic Wisdom

Muslim thinkers have always been trying to define and explain the nature of the perfect human being and his actions in the position of caliph and vicegerent of God on earth by relying on the powers of reason and by relying on the verses of the Holy Quran and traditions. and hadiths of the prophets and imams of purification. A perfect human being, the Caliph of God, has the attributes of the set of attributes that make the position of Caliphate, the Almighty God. By giving man the position of successor on the planet, God Almighty has deemed him worthy of attaining ranks and positions. Among these degrees granted by God Almighty, we can mention the status of innovation and creation. The position of innovation is a position that has helped man during his life on earth to fulfill his basic needs and with the help of this position, to make life on earth easier for himself. Because it is very difficult to reconcile the divine spirit and the earthly body on earth. The restless soul of the seeker in the soul and the earthly body needs tools and crafts to find the comfort of the body and the peace of the soul for life on earth. The most important effect of innovation in the production of innovative industries has been revealed. Industries that have helped man in the hot and cold bed of nature. Considering the design of multiple perspectives in explaining the concept of innovation and development of industries and innovation in artificial works, this research seeks to answer the question of how innovation can be compiled and explained in the creation of a perfect human being. From Islamic wisdom in this perspective, relying on the verses of the Holy Quran, hadiths and traditions from reliable sources and using the interpretations and views of Muslim sages based on Islamic wisdom, we first discuss the stages of human creation and matters of perfection. The creation of man is explained. Then, God Almighty explains the position of divine caliph of the perfect human being, and after that he considers the perfect human being, who is the caliph of God, worthy of attaining the position that God Almighty has delegated to him. His caliph continues, based on the verses of the Holy Quran and the traditions of divine saints, the place of innovation in God's actions has been analyzed and explained. Then the manifestation of the position of heresy delegated to the perfect man in the creation of artificial works is explained. Also, in this research, an attempt has been made to express the levels of innovation in the creation of the perfect human being. The order that begins with the dignity of the prophets and continues with the creation of divine saints and continues with the creation of industries by mystics. Investigating the roots of the formation of various industries throughout history is the most important concern of the researcher in writing this article. Things that were called industry in the past and in historical times and gradually with the rise of modernism and the industrialization of human production, were named as industrial arts or handicrafts. By naming these works in a non-binding form of art, their importance for modern man was reduced and they were introduced as low-value decorative works, the fashion of the modern world. In this article, it has been tried to place the roots of today's modern industries in the same previous traditional industries based on meeting the basic needs of humans, and based on this finding, try to value these industries again. It is also appropriate to consider the position of innovation, which has been the solution to human problems and dilemmas throughout the history of life on the planet, as a position worthy of a complete human being and center its development towards other human beings. According to Aref, this research is a type of basic study with a descriptive-analytical method, which was formed by referring to written sources and analyzing the content of verses, hadiths and Islamic wisdom. In this research, following the explanation of the place of innovation in the creation of the perfect human being, it comes to the conclusion that: the perfect human being is the first creation and with the best Paying attention to recognizing the basic needs and deficiencies of human life on the planet, as a mediator from the Almighty God, by inventing various industries, which today are called handicrafts and artificial arts, made human life easier on the planet. The secrets and techniques of these crafts and innovations, which were created by the perfect human being in the first step, have been entrusted to the qualified human beings, whom Ibn Arabi called mystics, through the teaching method of the master disciple from the perfect human being. Mystics and qualified people have expanded and developed the industries by using these techniques, until today, as the modern advanced industries are also the result of the development of the original innovative industries. This formation and development in industries continues as long as humans are present in the world.
