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کتاب دستور الوزاره به زبان فارسی و به نثری استوار در سه فصل تحریر و تنظیم یافته است: مقدّمه در احوال خواجه نظام الملک، فصل اوّل در تحریض فرزند خواجه به ترک وزارت و مخاطرات آن، فصل دوم در آداب وزارت. دستور الوزاره به رغم رواج و شهرت آن که خود موجب استنساخ بسیار فراوان از آن شده با ابهاماتی همراه بوده است: از جمله درباره نویسنده یا نویسندگان، زمان تألیف، اختلاف گسترده کاتبان در ضبط نام کتاب و مؤلّف و.... نگارنده در این مقاله کوشیده است، از میان انبوه داده های ضدّ و نقیض به رأی معقول و مقبولی در این زمینه ها دست یابد. در این مقاله، برای اوّلین بار با استناد به محتوای کتاب، تصریح یکی از نسخ و نیز کتاب های دیگر ثابت شده که نویسنده این اثر برخلاف ادّعای بسیاری از کاتبانِ نسخه های آن و نیز محققّان معاصر، نویسنده ای به نام مولانا عبدالوهاب عَدْنی طوسی (نیمه قرن هشتم) بوده است.          

Dastoor alVozara: Does it belong to Khajeh Nezam alMolk or Adni Toosi?

    Dastoor - al - vozara is a book written in a stable prose and organized in three chapters. The first chapter is an introduction about Khajeh Nezam alMolk’s biography. The second chapter represents the way that Khajeh’s son was urged to leave his position as a minister. The third chapter refers to the ministry customs and regulations. In spite of being famous, the biography of the book is not clear enough. For example, the identity of the author/s and the time it was written and the true name of the book are not clearly stated. The researc her of the current article has made an effort to clarify the issues although a lot of opposite views exist among the biographers. For the first time, for instance, it is well - documented by the researcher that the author of Dastoor alvozara is Mowlana Abdol wahhab Adni ( 8 th century AH). This claim is well supported by the content of the book and some other strong reasons which stand against the claims made by contemporary researchers and authors of some other versions of the book Dastoor - al - vozara is a book written in a stable prose and organized in three chapters. The first chapter is an introduction about Khajeh Nezam alMolk’s biography. The second chapter represents the way that Khajeh’s son was urged to leave his position as a minister. The third chapter refers to the ministry customs and regulations. In spite of being famous, the biography of the book is not clear enough. For example, the identity of the author/s and the time it was written and the true name of the book are not clearly stated. The researc her of the current article has made an effort to clarify the issues although a lot of opposite views exist among the biographers. For the first time, for instance, it is well - documented by the researcher that the author of Dastoor alvozara is Mowlana Abdol wahhab Adni ( 8 th century AH). This claim is well supported by the content of the book and some other strong reasons which stand against the claims made by contemporary researchers and authors of some other versions of the book
