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یمثّل الصراع الحضاری بین الثقافات الغربیه والشرقیه إشکالیه مهمّه سبّبت أزمه هویاتیه فی کثیر من المجتمعات الإنسانیه خاصه الشرقیه منها. استطاع بعض الروائیین العرب أن یجسّدوا هذا الصراع المریر بین الحضارتین الغربیه والشرقیه وهی موضوع العلاقه بین الأنا والآخر. وعلى الرغم من أنّ نخبه من الکتّاب العرب قد سبقوا إلى طرح هذه الإشکالیه الحضاریه فی کتاباتهم، إلا أنّ روایه «کم بدت السماء قریبه» لبتول الخضیری من الإبداعات التی عرضت لهذه القضیه بشکل موسع، فقد عالجتها بدقه وعمق کبیرین فی مستواه الحضاری (الفکری) من خلال توضیح الجانب المادّی والاجتماعی والنفسی لسلوک الشخصیات فی الروایه، وأخذت یکشف النقاب عن الصراع الجوهری بین الحضارتین. تهدف هذه الورقه البحثیه بالاعتماد على منهج النقد الثقافی ومقاربته الوصفیه والتحلیلیه إلى تسلیط الضوء على موضوع الصراع الحضاری فی تلک الروایه من خلال بعض العیّنات النصیه. یمثّل الأب فی هذه الروایه رمزاً للحضاره العربیه الإسلامیه، وتمثّل الأمّ رمزاً للحضاره الغربیه، وقد احتارت طفلتهما بین هذا الصراع وأصیبت بأزمه هویّاتیه سبّبت تذبذبها السلوکی فی العادات والتقالید، فلا تعرف لمن یکن ولاءها! ومن أهمّ ما توصّلت إلیه الدراسه أنّ البناء السردی فی هذه الروایه قام على محوریه الأنا والآخر التی سیطرت على کلّ العلاقات فیه، إذ کانت العلاقه بینهما علاقه صراع دائم ومستمرّ لم تؤدّ إلى تواصل الحضارتین والتفاعل بینهما، بل أدّت إلى خلق شخصیه مرتبکه وضائعه متمثّله فی طفلتهما، بحیث فقدت هویّتها، ولمتستطع أن تحدّد انتمائها بشکل دقیق، بل بقیت تعیش على تذبذب فی سلوکیاتها کما أنّها لمتقدر أن تحدد ولاءها بکلّ من الحضارتین.

Civilizational Conflict and the Cultural Identity Crisis As Represented in the Novel “How Close the Sky Seemed” by the Iraqi Writer Batoul Al-Khudairi

The civilizational conflict between Western and Eastern cultures represents an important problem that has caused an identity crisis in many human societies, especially Eastern ones. Some Arab novelists were able to embody this bitter conflict between the western and eastern civilizations, and it is the subject of the relationship between the ego and the other. Although a group of Arab writers had previously raised this civilized problem in their writings, the novel “How Close the Sky Seemed” by the Iraqi writer Batoul Al-Khudairi is one of the creations that presented this issue extensively, as it dealt with it with great accuracy and depth in its civilized (intellectual) level. By clarifying the material, social and psychological aspects of the behavior of the characters in the novel, and began to unveil the fundamental conflict between the two civilizations. This research paper, by relying on the descriptive and analytical approach, aims to shed light on the issue of civilization conflict in that novel through some text samples. In this novel, the father represents a symbol of Arab-Islamic civilization, and the mother represents a symbol of Western civilization, and their daughter was confused about this conflict and had an identity crisis that caused her behavioral fluctuation in customs and traditions, so she does not know who her loyalty is too! Among the most important findings of the study is that the relationship between the ego and the other did not result in this novel in the cross-fertilization and blending of the two civilizations, but rather produced a confused and lost character represented in their daughter, so that she lost her identity, and could not determine her affiliation accurately, but continued to live on fluctuation in her behavior as she was unable to determine her loyalty to each of the two civilizations.
