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امروزه با توجه به طیف وسیعی از عوامل تهدید کننده سلامت انسان در حوزه سلامت شهری، نیاز به شناسایی مولفه های موثر بر سلامت انسان امری ضروری تلقی می شود. بر این اساس پیوند میان محیط شهری و برنامه ریزی شهری جهت نیل به سلامت و رفاه شهری مورد تاکید است. هدف این پژوهش، تحلیل علم سنجی مطالعات سلامت شهری، جهت کشف مسائل و تحولات اصلی و نیز یافتن روند عملکرد نوظهور مقالات و مجلات، شناخت الگوهای همکاری و مؤلفه های تحقیق و کشف ساختار فکری سلامت شهری در ادبیات جهانی می باشد؛ جهت نیل به این اهداف، شناسایی و استخراج مولفه ها و شاخص های موثر بر سلامت شهری در مفهوم عام در جهان با بهرمندی از منابع اسنادی وکتابخانه ای معتبر خارجی و داخلی انجام گردید. در ادامه از تحلیل علم سنجی جهت کشف موضوعاتی همچون، هم زمانی وقوع دو آیتم، هم نویسندگی و هم استنادی اسناد کتاب شناختی با استفاده از روش های کمی استفاده شده است. نتایج هم زمانی وقوع دو آیتم بر اساس کلمات کلیدی نشان می دهد که کلید واژه ی "سلامت شهری" از بالاترین مجموع قدرت پیوند و تعداد دفعات هم رخدادی وقوع دو آیتم برخوردار است. مولفه های "مرگ و میر" و "شیوع" به ترتیب در رده دوم و سوم قرار گرفته اند. مولفه کویید-19 و فضای سبز، طی سال های اخیر ازجمله مولفه های مورد توجه پژوهشگران هستند. تحلیل هم نویسندگی براساس کشورها نشان می دهد که نویسندگان سه کشور آمریکا، انگلیس و استرالیا به ترتیب، بیش ترین میزان همکاری را با نویسندگان سایر کشورها در تولید مستندات علمی حوزه سلامت شهری دارند. در آخر تحلیل هم استنادی بر اساس هم استنادی نویسندگان مشخص نمود که سازمان بهداشت جهانی از بیش ترین تعداد استناد برخوردار است.

Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review of Global Theoretical Context in the Field of Urban Health

Extended Abstract Background and Objectives: The definition of health has different meanings. In the simplest case, it is defined as the absence of any disease or illness. The evidence indicates the relationship between the components of the urban environment and health and related behaviors, which emphasizes the importance of urban planning and urban interventions in order to face health challenges. Nowadays, health promotion at the community level, considering a wide range of threatening factors in the field of urban health, the need to identify the effective components on human health is considered essential. Based on this, the link between the urban environment and urban planning is emphasized to achieve urban health and well-being. The purpose of this research is to analyze the scientometric analysis of urban health studies, to discover the main issues and developments, as well as to find the emerging performance trends of articles and magazines, to know the patterns of cooperation and research components, and to discover the intellectual structure of urban health in the world literature. Methods: Bibliometric Analysis is a precise method for examining and analyzing a large amount of scientific data. This technique is intended to understand the interrelationship between scientific citations and to summarize the situation according to the current research topic. Researchers use scientometric analysis to find trends in the emerging performance of articles and journals, to recognize collaboration patterns and research components, and to discover the intellectual structure of a specific field in existing literature. In order to check the relationship between articles from a database and to classify different keywords based on their simultaneous citation by following clustering techniques, VOS Viewer software is used. Web of Science Core Collection has been used for the process of searching and extracting data from the Web of Science scientific database. The main focus of this research was scientific data regarding the subject of research with the term “urban health” in the title and abstract. On August 13, 2022, an initial search of 3,102 document titles was extracted, and for a more accurate analysis, among the 3,102 documents obtained, 2,581 documents including articles were extracted as main data, and other professors included books and conference articles, etc. It was removed from the total of primary data. Findings: Co-occurrence results based on keywords show that the keyword “Urban Health” has the highest total link strength and the number of co-occurrences of two items. In other words, this keyword has been seen more times in an article and the probability of this keyword appearing with other keywords in an article is higher. “Mortality” and “prevalence” components are ranked second and third, respectively. The component of Covid-19, green space is one of the common components in the field of urban health, which has been the focus of researchers in recent years. Co-authorship analysis based on countries shows that Asian and African countries have the lowest amount of scientific participation and influence in the production of scientific documents in the field of urban health. Also, the results indicate that the authors of three countries, the United States, England, and Australia, respectively, have the highest level of cooperation with the authors of other countries in the production of scientific documents in the field of urban health. Finally, the co-citation analysis based on co-citations of the authors revealed that the World Health Organization has the highest number of citations. Conclusion: A comprehensive review of global studies in order to discover the emerging performance of researchers in the field of urban health has been one of the study gaps in this field, and this research has tried to answer this need to some extent. This study is considered as a comprehensive review study with co-occurrence analyzes of the occurrence of two items (in three aspects of visualization, data density, network overlap), citation, bibliographic pair and authorship. Paying more attention and examining the individual components of health including healthy diet, life expectancy, body mass index in the search of scientific documents due to the increasing importance of physical health is felt in future studies. Urban health is related to various issues. However, from searching for the keyword of urban health and extracting the keywords of thermal islands, life expectancy, green space and pedestrian circulation using VOS, it can be seen that there are keywords whose publication year is related to the years after 2018, in other words, in the years The latter are still of interest to researchers, and they can be used in the future to expand the research topic as potential subject areas related to urban health. Also, in the future study, the sources of different scientific databases such as Scopus, Dimensions, Lens and PubMed should be used. Future researchers can use each of the existing keywords as potential subject areas of urban health. Henceforth, research will focus on opportunities and challenges, urban health efficiency, and possible solutions to emerging issues.
