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یک برند در طول عمر خود بنا به دلایلی ممکن است نیاز به بازسازی داشته باشد و در این میان لوگو به مثابه دریچه ی ورودی به برند و بازنمای هویت آن، نیاز به بازطراحی شدن دارد. با وجود این مهم، در ایران کم تر برندی دست به بازطراحی لوگوی خود می زند. حساسیت بازطراحی لوگو در سرنوشت یک برند و کمبود دانش به روز در این موضوع، می تواند دلایل ثابت ماندن اکثر لوگوهای داخلی برای دهه ها و فاصله گرفتن از سلیقه ی بصری مخاطبانشان باشد. لذا پژوهش حاضر در راستای حل این نقیصه، با استناد به نظریه های مرتبط به لوگو و بازطراحی لوگو، به امر شناخت دلایل بازطراحی لوگو به همراه مثال های عینی پرداخته است. در پاسخ به سوال اصلی پژوهش که دلایل بازطراحی لوگو در طول عمر یک برند چه مواردی است، پژوهش حاضر ضمن دسته بندی دلایل ممکن بازطراحی لوگو، به این مهم دست یافته است که بازطراحی لوگو تنها امری هنری و سلیقه ای و تنها به دلایل گرافیکی نبوده، بلکه دلایل مشخص و هدف مندی را بر اساس نیازها و اهداف برند دنبال می نماید. این پژوهش از حیث هدف کاربردی و به روش توصیفی-تحلیلی بوده و همچنین اطلاعات به صورت کتابخانه ای گردآوری شده است.

Recognition the reasons of logo redesign in a brand lifetime

A brand during its lifetime may need to rebrand as some reasons. Rebranding is the creation of a new look and feel for an established product or company. The usual goal of rebranding is to influence a customer's perception about a product or service or the company overall by revitalizing the brand and making it seem more modern and relevant to the customer's needs. As a brand element, a logo can be defined as a graphic representation or image that triggers memory associations of the target brand. A logo as a window to represent the brand and its identity is required to redesign when a brand needs to rebrand. In Spite of this fact, relatively little research has focused exclusively on logos and even less attention has been given to logo redesign in Iran and it should be noted, less Iranian brand to open his own logo redesign. The sensitivity of the fate of a brand logo redesign and the lack of up-to-date knowledge on this subject, could be the reason of this problem in Iran. On the other hand there is not enough study on the reasons of logo redesign in theories. In order to overcome this shortcoming study, according to existing theories, this study aims to recognize the reasons of logo redesign in a brand lifetime along with real examples and categorize them. The main question is: What are the reasons for redesigning a logo in a brand lifetime? This study placed reasons of logo redesign in four general categories: elements of brand identity, brand strategy, brand image and brand personality. It should be noted, these categories are dynamic in nature, so it could be completed by future research, as reasons of logo redesign is not limited to specific items, it could be expanded by different situation in different cases. The goal of this study is to find a new way for recognition reasons of logo redesign and put them in larger groups. After this study we could say that the main reason of a logo redesign and we could say because of this specific needs of brand the logo should be redesigned. Changes in brand name or aesthetic reasons are subcategories of elements of brand identity. Changes in the strategy of a brand or service brand or coordination with technology could be in the category of brand strategy. Develop, modify or update and modernize the brand image or attention to the audiences tastes contact image are in the brand image field. In order to change, development and completion of the brand personality or make a harmony with logo by redesign it and the latest formed brand personality, are the reasons related to the brand personality. Finally, from this study it can be concluded, apart from the categories reasons of logo redesign, the fact of logo redesign is not just an artistic or a matter of taste issue and the reasons are not only for graphic design reasons ,therfore logo redesign happens because of reasons identified and targeted based on needs and goals of a brand.
