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مطالعات رفتاری از رایج ترین مطالعات شاخه های علوم انسانی هستند که رفتارهای جامعه مورد مطالعه، درشرایط ویژه مشاهده و ضبط می شوند. رفتارها، کدگذاری شده و تبدیل به یک زنجیره حرکت میشوند که به لحاظ آماری قابل آنالیز هستند. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، افزایش دانش نسبت به طراحان و شناخت ابعاد متفاوت رفتاری آنهاست. دراین مقاله، با انجام طراحی توسط طراحان حرفه ای و مبتدی، نحوه تفکرشان دربرخورد با مسائل درشرایط مختلف، مورد بررسی قرارگرفت. نمونه آماری، دانشجویان مقطع کارشناسی طراحی صنعتی دانشگاه هنر اسلامی تبریز بودند. 8 گروه 2 نفره از دانشجویان سال اول، بعنوان طراحان مبتدی و 8 گروه 2 نفره از دانشجویان سال آخر بعنوان حرفه ای درنظرگرفته شدند. انتخاب، اتفاقی و با دعوتنامه از سوی محقق صورت پذیرفت. نیمی از طراحان درشرایط پاسخ تکنولوژیک و نیمی دیگر درشرایط غیرتکنولوژیک، به طراحی پرداختند. جلسات طراحی ضبط و با استفاده از روشFBS کدگذاری شدند. آنالیز داده ها توسط روش لینکوگرافی و برنامه لینکودر انجام شد. براساس آزمون T، مقدار P در شاخص های شناختی بالاتر از 0.05 بودند. درنتیجه حل مسائل درشرایط مختلف به سطح توانایی های طراحان مرتبط نمیباشد. همچنین طراحان حرفه ای و مبتدی فارغ ازاینکه چه سؤالی به آنها داده شده، از استراتژی واحدی برای حل مسئله استفاده مینمایند. همچنین در مکتوب نمودن مدارک، تغییر معنادار دارند (05/0p<).

Analyzing the effect of available technologies on the thinking of product beginner and pro designers using linkography method

One of the most common types of studies in various branches of the humanities is behavioral studies. In conventional methods of these studies, behavior study population, the special conditions are observed and recorded. Then these behaviors are categorized or coded so. Coding the data changes a chain of "event" that are available to study and analysis. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge of the designers and understanding of different aspects of their behavior. In this paper Industrial design undergraduate students of Tabriz Islamic Art University were tested. 8Group 2 first-year undergraduate students were considered as beginner designers and 8Group 2 final-year undergraduate students were considered as professional. In this article, the tests are designed by professional designers and beginner designers, the thinking in dealing with issues in conditions technical and technological conditions were studied. Students selected randomly done by invitation by researcher. Half of statistical samples conditions response to technological and the other half conditions technological answer to their design. Session with a video camera was confiscated by the researcher and data from 16protocols recording. Recording sessions were written and were coded using FBS method. Literature of 16session of the research by 2people was coded, independently and according to plan Ontology categories (FBS). The results were compared with each other and were evaluated 2 encoders using the Delphi method. The data analysis was used linkography method and software linkoder. linkography is a structured of study quantitative method of design thinking in the form of a network graph (Graph networking). In this way, all of the activities of the designer during the design process, including a network graph and communication between them are model. Model made to our way of thinking allows designers and effective decisions during the design process and we conclude about the way a little analysis. Linkoder output data is in the form of text and diagrams. T-test did to determine the reliability of the difference between two sets of professional designers and beginners in technological different situations. To determine the value of p, solving its demographic indicators was tested based on ontology FBS. Was compared data from meeting technological design with data from other technical design sessions and data extracted from the group of professional designers and Beginners designers groups. The breadth of his creativity and the effects of their subjective experience were measured and expertise in productivity was assessed. The study of the mind were studied and how their thinking and creativity in finding solutions designers. Because P-value in the cognitive indicators were higher than the 0.05, thus decided to solve problems in different situations is not related to the ability of designers. Our research indicates that as well as professional and Beginners designers, regardless of what the question or the answer to it is how, from a strategy to solve their problem also. There is a significant change in terms of cognitive indicators of professional designers and beginners designers, only about writing the texts and sketches and records. Beginners’ designers about 93% more than professional designers, design and have more literature (p<0.05).
