
بر اساس آیات قرآن پیامبران خدا دارای مقام عصمت هستند و به لحاظ اینکه سرآمد اولیاء الهی اند، بیم و اندوه در وجود آنان راه ندارد. با این حال، در پاره ای از آیات قرآن نسبت ترس و اندوه به تنی چند از پیامبران –حضرت ابراهیم، موسی، داوود، و یعقوب (ع) - نسبت داده شده است. این مقاله درصدد تبیین وجه سازگاری میان داشتن مقام عصمت و نفی بیم و اندوه از اولیای الهی از سویی، و وقوع ترس و اندوه از سوی برخی پیامبران الهی سامان یافته و پس از گرآوری مطالب، با روش کتابخانه ای و شیوه اسنادی در نحوه استناد به داده ها، و روش تحلیل محتوایی از نوع توصیفی تحلیلی در تجزیه و تحلیل مطالب، به این نتیجه دست یافته است که از میان انواع برون رفت های عقلانی و لفظی، دو وجه: 1) پذیرش ترس و اندوه و ارجاع آن به ترس ممدوح؛ و 2) اینکه ترس و اندوه اقتضای مقام بشریّت و جمع الجمعی پیامبران الهی است، پاسخ کارآمد در پاسخ شبهه و تبیین وجه سازگاری میان ترس و اندوه و متغیرهای به ظاهر متضاد با مقام عصمت پیامبران (ع) می باشند.

The emotionality of the prophets in the qur'an; challenges, doubts and solutions

According to the verses of the Qur'an, God's messengers have the status of infallibility, and considering that they are the bests of those devoted to Allah, there is no fear, sadness, or jealousy in their spirit. However, in some verses of the Qur'an, fear and sadness have been attributed to the several prophets such as - Ibrahim, Musa, Dawood, and Yaqoob (PBUTH), and similarly, envy has been attributed to prophet Suleiman (AS). This article is organized with the aim of explaining the compatibility between the position of infallibility with the emotional aspect of divine prophets and the rejection of any feature incompatible with infallibility from the status of the prophets (PBUTH). And after classifying and evaluating the challenges, it has been drawn the conclusion that among the various types of rational and verbal resolutions, only two of them are justifiable in solving the challenge of fear and sadness of the Prophets: 1) Acceptance of fear and sadness by describing them as admirable fear 2) Fear and sadness are the requirements of the human aspect of divine prophets and their status of Baqa ba’d al-Fana (i.e. trying to survive after neglecting the world). As for the solution to the challenge of the envy of the Prophet Suleiman (A.S), among the many solutions to the issue, there is one effective solution, and this intellectual solution is based on analyzing the concept of envy and dividing it into reprehensible and non-reprehensible, and the evidence for praiseworthiness of that of Suleiman is the multiple benefits that have resulted from it. This research has been carried out through the library method in collecting materials, and in the way of citing data, it follows the documentary method, and in analyzing the materials, the research method is descriptive, analytical and critical
